14 September 2005
Big-Zam Review and Pictures 
I got my 1/400 scale Big-Zam in the mail over the weekend, and I am very impressed with it. The paint job is the best of the Gundam Collection models, complete with panel lines. The figure is far more poseable than the Queen Mansa, and the body is light enough that balance is no problem. It is easy to build, because the top part is one pre-assembled piece and the legs are fairly simple. Big-Zam is easier to build, better painted and much more poseable than the Queen Mansa, and I highly recommend it. The three figures are very nice, and the Gundam has a translucent beam saber and ball-and-socket joints like the NEO collection figures.
Here are some pictures of the completed model. I've included the 1/400 Queen Mansa and my 1/144 scale Gouf Custom model so you can see just how big Big-Zam really is.

Here are some pictures of the completed model. I've included the 1/400 Queen Mansa and my 1/144 scale Gouf Custom model so you can see just how big Big-Zam really is.

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