HobbyLink Japan has put up a
pre-order page for Gundam Collection NEO 3, which will be released in early February. HLJ includes a finalized picture of the lineup, which reveals a
sixteenth figure: Haman Karn's custom-painted AMX-003 Gaza C from the second Zeta Gundam compilation movie. The picture also confirms that the Gundam, Gouf, Leo and Gogg figures are posable, and that the Gundam and Gouf are meant to be posed with one another. The Zaku Marine, GM Cannon and both Gouf Flight Types are in Federation colors (as seen in Zeta Gundam), with the red-and-white Gouf being the MS-07H-4 variant. The rest of the lineup is as we
previously reported.
[Updated 7 December, 12:44 PM - Thanks
The picture also indicates the "limited edition" figures for this volumn will be the battle-damaged Wing Gundam and Cima's Gelgoog Marine. I also think the Gouf posed with the Gundam at the top-right is getting its arms chopped off, but there's no text to that effect so maybe I'm imagining things.