15 January 2006
More Musai Pictures [Update] 

At the right is a picture of the box the partially-clear "prize" Musai comes in. Seems this one was won by a professional collector in Hong Kong, who plans to sell the unopened box for, I can only assume, a big ol' bucket of cash.
[Update] Here are a couple of pictures of what's inside the box, courtesy of a Japanese Gundam Collection fan site. Apparently the Zakus are also translucent in the "prize" Musai set. It seems this model, like White Base, is simply colored plastic and lacks paint inside panel lines and other minor hull details, meaning it will require a little work to make the model look as good as it does in the Bandai photos. After seeing the amazing quality of the Big Zam model, I was hoping that all future Gundam Collection models would have such high-quailty paint jobs... I guess that is too much to ask of something as large as the Musai.

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