07 January 2006
Musai Release Date Confirmed! [Updated] 

[Update] As faithful reader Richard noticed, HobbyLink Japan finally has the Musai up for pre-order. They list the price as 13,000 yen, though if you pre-order by January 13, they'll take 5% off the price. I should probably mention two things... First, HLJ's EMS shipping cost for the comparably-large White Base model is over US$100, which nearly doubles the price. I am sure the Musai's shipping will be similarly outrageous. Second, while the Gundam Collection figures are seldom available on eBay, the models have all appeared on eBay at decent prices. The 1/400 scale White Base showed up from close to a dozen different sellers, some of which were US-based so shipping was only $20-$30. So what I am saying is pre-order with care. ;-)
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