27 February 2006
Gundam Collection NEO 3 Released [Updated] 

We have the usual list of all variations, plus rough statistics on the likelyhood of getting each one (the number to the right of each name is the number of figures they ended up with after buying a case of 12 boxes). [Updated] Now each item links to a picture, check them out!
TinWoodMan's list includes some nicer pictures of a few of the figures.
23 February 2006
Various News Items [Updated x2] 
There have been several small news items this past week, so here is a weekend round-up:
The 1/400 scale B-club Gallop has been released, and is available from HobbyLink Japan. This is a high quality (and high priced) resin model, which is pretty lucky for us, as I figure we are unlikely to ever get an official Gundam Collection Gallop.
- The 1/400 scale Musai is due to be released Friday. HobbyLink Japan now lists it as "in stock" and I just got my "Payment Request" email from them. The final shipping cost for HLJ is 6800 yen, about $58, which isn't as bad as I'd feared... Anyway, stay tuned for pictures from Japan... Post to the comments if you find any online!!
[Update] Check the comments for pictures, thanks to aiktat! - On a sadder note, the Gundam Watch Forums will be closing on March 1st. GW was a well-run forum with many knowledgeable members who could answer most any question, and I've sold more than a couple of my spare figures through their Von Braun Bazaar... ;-) The site will be missed. I hope everyone will check out GW's anointed successor, the Gundam Evolution Forum, and for Gundam Collection figure trading I recommend our own War in the Pocket forum.
- Lastly, but perhaps most obviously, I've changed the site's color scheme. I wanted to move away from Blogger-default orange to more of a Gouf Custom blue... It still needs some tinkering, but I hope you all like it.
05 February 2006
Gundam Collection DX4 

It appears the gimmick this time around is that several of the figures can be paired up and posed together, which basically means you can stand them next to each other and they will look vaguely as if they are fighting. How exciting.
[Update] HobbyLink Japan has DX4 available for preorder.
03 February 2006
February Release Dates Posted 
The release schedule for February has been posted on Bandai Hobbysite:
- Feb. 13 - Gundam Collection Vol.1, Vol.2, Big-Zam and White Base re-released
- Feb. 24 - Musai released
- Feb. 27 - Gundam Collection NEO3 released, NEO1 and NEO2 re-released