25 January 2006
NEO 3 Variations Revealed 

- Sandrock with shotels attached to shield
- Shenlong with dragon claw extended
- Wing Gundam with beam saber
- Gelgoog Marine with beam saber
- Infinite Justice Gundam with beam saber
- Leo with dober gun
- Tallgeese with beam saber
23 January 2006
DX4 Lineup Revealed? [Updated x2!] 

- Strike Freedom Gundam from SEED Destiny, with "launching" DRAGOON pods
- Destiny Gundam from SEED Destiny with "Wings of Light" extended
- Zaku II with Samson trailer
- Xeku Eins from Gundam Sentinel
- Gundam Mark V from Gundam Sentinel with "element standing" (?)
- Psycho Gundam Mk. II
- Gundam Mk. II with "flying armor"
- Marasai with ballute
- Byalant from Zeta Gundam with "element standing" (?)
- G-Fortress from ZZ Gundam
- Victory Gundam with "bottom fighter"
- Victory Gundam Hexa with "top fighter"
- Nu Gundam from Char's Counterattack with "launching" funnels
- Sazabi from Char's Counterattack with "launching" funnels
17 January 2006
Where to Buy the Musai 
The Musai is starting to show up as a pre-order on more and more online stores, including ones that will ship overseas. Here is what I've found so far:
- HobbyLink Japan: Approximately US$113.16 (13,000 Yen) with unknown shipping cost, likely $80-100. HLJ accepts payment with credit card via Paypal, and no payment is expected until the item is ready to ship.
- YesAsia: US$179 with "free worldwide shipping," see site for shipping details. The YesAsia site lists the Musai as a "no cancel/return" item, meaning your preorder cannot be cancelled once it is placed. YesAsia accepts payments via credit card, and you have to enter your card number up front but you will not be charged until your order ships.
- PlaJapan: US$179 with free shipping (likely UPS Ground) to the United States and Canada. PlaJapan accepts credit card and Paypal payments, and no payment is expected until the item is ready to ship.
- Big Bad Toy Store: US$129 with shipping estimated to be $12.96 for UPS Ground. This shipping cost strikes me as much too low, even for domestic. BBTS requires credit card payment for preorders, though your card will not be billed until the item is ready to ship. Thanks to reader Kevin Comer for the link.
15 January 2006
More Musai Pictures [Update] 

At the right is a picture of the box the partially-clear "prize" Musai comes in. Seems this one was won by a professional collector in Hong Kong, who plans to sell the unopened box for, I can only assume, a big ol' bucket of cash.
[Update] Here are a couple of pictures of what's inside the box, courtesy of a Japanese Gundam Collection fan site. Apparently the Zakus are also translucent in the "prize" Musai set. It seems this model, like White Base, is simply colored plastic and lacks paint inside panel lines and other minor hull details, meaning it will require a little work to make the model look as good as it does in the Bandai photos. After seeing the amazing quality of the Big Zam model, I was hoping that all future Gundam Collection models would have such high-quailty paint jobs... I guess that is too much to ask of something as large as the Musai.

07 January 2006
Musai Release Date Confirmed! [Updated] 

[Update] As faithful reader Richard noticed, HobbyLink Japan finally has the Musai up for pre-order. They list the price as 13,000 yen, though if you pre-order by January 13, they'll take 5% off the price. I should probably mention two things... First, HLJ's EMS shipping cost for the comparably-large White Base model is over US$100, which nearly doubles the price. I am sure the Musai's shipping will be similarly outrageous. Second, while the Gundam Collection figures are seldom available on eBay, the models have all appeared on eBay at decent prices. The 1/400 scale White Base showed up from close to a dozen different sellers, some of which were US-based so shipping was only $20-$30. So what I am saying is pre-order with care. ;-)
05 January 2006
A Couple Big News Items [Updated] 

First, HLJ.com says there will be a B-Club 1/400 scale Gallop released in February. Apparently this will be a molded resin model and will require glue and paint, and since it is a B-club release it is a rather pricey... HLJ lists it as 9,000 Yen (about US$76) while LaLaBit Market says 9450 Yen (about US$80).
Second, the Japanese online store LaLaBit Market lists the 1/400 scale Musai as a February release for 13,650 Yen (about US$116). I have not been able to confirm this, but I've been assuming the Musai would eventually be available for regular purchase. Though I wonder, why would the Musai be 650 Yen more expensive than the larger White Base model? [Update] LaLaBit posted a picture, which I've included above. We can see the model has movable/removable pieces and comes with four Zakus, and the bottom-right picture seems to indicate the model comes with both versions of the bridge. To sum up, the Musai looks awesome.
Oh, and Happy New Year everybody.